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Penn Central: The Doomed Railroad Giant (1968-1976)

Last revised: October 15, 2024

By: Adam Burns

Penn Central, officially known as the Penn Central Transportation Company, spawned the modern-day mega railroad although the ill-fated system also marked the industry's low point.

When the PC collapsed in 1970 it began a long decade of uncertainty, leaving many to wonder if the railroad was an obsolete mode of transportation.  

The dark days then, building since the immediate postwar years, proved a turning point.  It was a wake-up call to the government that assistance was desperately needed not only to save the Northeast but also the industry itself.

Passenger trains of all types were no longer a viable business model; if these were to continue the feds or states must subsidize the service.  

In addition, suffocating regulations, a plague throughout the 20th century, helped doom Penn Central.  The creation of Conrail also brought about change in this area as deregulation freed companies to set freight rates and more easily abandon or sell unprofitable corridors.  

Today, many key Penn Central routes remain in use under Amtrak, CSX Transportation, and Norfolk Southern while numerous branches are operated by short lines.


0238523758236782689269828989778.jpgPenn Central E8A #4290 has train #54, the "Pennsylvania Limited," on Horseshoe Curve on a snowy February 23, 1969. Roger Puta photo.


When I was in college a few professors highlighted the collapse of Penn Central.  

The lectures were interesting albeit too brief for someone who enjoyed railroad history.  At the time, Rush Loving, Jr.'s, "The Men Who Loved Trains," had not yet been published.

If so, I am sure it would have been required reading.  Today, many educators, at both the high school and collegiate levels, have likely done this very thing.  

Loving's title not only provides an in-depth study of the company's failings but also the intricate politics which pervade large corporations.  

It it is an excellent book vividly illustrating how arrogance can destroy even the most powerful companies.  While hubris was a serious problem at Penn Central there were many other factors leading to its downfall.  Its creation can be traced back to the end of World War II.  

The industry had experienced a resurgence after the lean years of the 1930s and believed these problems were far behind them following the war.

The mighty Pennsylvania Railroad should have recognized the ominous signs.  It lost money for the first time in its fabled history during 1946 but continued to spend millions on new passenger equipment while carrying out few modernization or cost-cutting initiatives.  

The New York Central was somewhat more cautious.  The company had never been as profitable as the PRR but was still regarded as one of the most powerful in the nation.

Penn Central RS3 #5318 (ex-New York Central #8318) pulls a transfer caboose along an undisclosed highway (not listed on the listed) in July, 1973. American-Rails.com collection.

It was widely recognized by the general public for its glamorous passenger trains, notably the 20th Century Limited, and high quality of service.  By the 1950s the NYC was struggling and nearly broke.  

The company's board realized change was needed and brought in Alfred Perlman.  After taking the helm in 1954 he quickly turned around the Central's fortunes by hiring young, innovative new managers; completed dieselization; built classification yards; and introduced creative marketing schemes such as Flexi-Van service (the trains themselves were known as Super Vans).  

This latter idea was far ahead of its time, the first successful application of Container-On-Flat-Car service (or COFC).  


The Penn Central Railroad logo. Author's work.
The Penn Central Railroad logo in Jade Green. Author's work.

While Perlman's work greatly helped its future remained uncertain as an independent carrier.  The merger movement was stirring as systems attempted to cut costs and streamline operations in the face of declining traffic and strict regulations. 

It was a PRR subsidiary, the Norfolk & Western, which ironically kicked off the modern merger movement by acquiring rival Virginian in 1959.  It then purchased a handful of other roads during the 1960s including the Wabash, Nickel Plate, and Akron, Canton & Youngstown.  

In addition, it held stakes in the Erie Lackawanna and Delaware & Hudson for a time.  The PRR's situation became precarious; despite its outward appearance the company was, essentially, broke.  It launched informal merger talks with the NYC during September of 1957, a moved that surprised many outsiders.  

It seemed impossible two of the nation's largest railroads, and fiercest rivals, could merge.  Perlman knew his railroad needed a partner but not the PRR.

While he had no insider information, Central's head man was very suspicious that the so-called "gold-plated" Pennsylvania Railroad was a house of cards ready to collapse.  

20023942835726345226i220878178.jpgPenn Central E7A #4006 and other power at Michigan Central Station, circa 1969. American-Rails.com collection.

He also did not believe the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), governing body of the industry, would ever approve a union that would monopolize the Northeast. 

Instead, In 1959, he began courting the Chesapeake & Ohio and Baltimore & Ohio regarding a three-way merger.  The Chessie was quite profitable; like the N&W it enjoyed an endless stream of black diamonds originating from mines in southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky.  

As for the historic B&O it was much larger than the C&O but struggled with incessant financial problems.  When talks began the B&O was doing somewhat better although its future remained murky.  

As Perlman saw it a union would be of great benefit to everyone; the B&O offered new markets, the C&O contained its lucrative coal traffic, and a continued effort of modernization and downsizing would make for an efficient company.  In addition, a PRR merger with its now-much larger N&W affiliate would provide balanced competition.  

On paper, it seemed like the best outcome with the public interest in mind.  Alas, feuding broke out between the leaders of NYC, B&O, and C&O regarding who would head the new company and negotiations fell apart.


With nowhere else to turn, Perlman relaunched talks with the Pennsy in October of 1961 and during the next few years the prospects of merger were hashed out.  

The ICC proceedings worked their way towards completion until finally, and surprisingly, the federal agency approved the marriage in January of 1968.  

A month later, the Penn Central Transportation Company officially launched on Thursday, February 1, 1968 at 12:01 AM.  The new railroad was a monster.  

According to David P. Morgan's article, "NYC + PRR, What Does It Mean?," from the January, 1958 issue of Trains Magazine, Penn Central boasted more than 20,000 route miles, contained assets of more than $5 billion, and offered a projected operating revenue of more than $1.7 billion annually.  

On the surface these numbers appeared rosy.  However, there were many warnings PC was headed for disaster.  Its astronomical payroll held more than 180,000 employees, a condition agreed upon by new chairman Stuart Saunders who was brought in from the N&W.

Penn Central locomotives await overhaul outside the shops in Selkirk, New York; April, 1975. American-Rails.com collection.

As Loving argues, Saunders was never a good railroader and understood little regarding operations.  However, he was strong in negotiation and appeasement, which wound up working superbly for the unions.  

When mergers happen savings are usually derived through the elimination of duplicate routes, terminals, trackage, and redundant positions.  

This should have worked to Penn Central's advantage but in an incredible circumstance Saunders gave in to virtually all union demands.  The result was predictable, Penn Central became straddled with a ballooned payroll from which it could not escape

  • Every employee from both companies was retained

  • huge severance packages were promised to anyone fired

  • Astoundingly, several-thousand employees were rehired for reasons which had nothing to do with the newly merged company. 

Then, there was the operating ratio.  This term describes operating expenses as a percentage of revenue.  Anything over 80% is extremely high (today's Class I's try to stay in the 60s) and means that for every dollar a railroad earns, at least 80 cents is being devoured by expenses.

System Map (1969)

With the both the Central and PRR, they carried operating ratios above 81%.  Finally, the cash reserves on merger day were slim with just $13 million available (the PRR, alone, required more than three times that amount each day) and spoke of the sickness plaguing each system.  

For all of the glaring problems chairman Saunders and president Perlman had attempted initiatives of preparation; to improve operational efficiency they tried to construct massive, new automated freight yards at Selkirk and Albany, New York with another located in Columbus, Ohio.  

The New York Central had been implementing such infrastructure upgrades but those at the PRR brushed aside these plans.  

Then, the two men worked on an idea to launch an early, computerized system for monitoring and tracing freight cars.  Today, this technology is standard and greatly improves efficiency while offering customers the ability to track their product(s).  At the time it was innovative stuff. 

Merger Problems

This time the ICC was the problem; the agency was notorious for dragging its feet on mergers (the Rock Island debacle was unfolding at the same time) and had spent more than six years approving the Penn Central deal; unsure of whether the marriage would happen the men could not invest the capital in the program.  

With no other choice they decided to merge each railroad's operating departments from day one.  The hope was that over time the situation would work itself out and things would eventually return to normal.  Unfortunately, this decision resulted in immediate pandemonium.  

As Loving described it: "...None of the classification clerks had been taught the 5,000 new combinations of routings.  By the thousands, cars began flowing into the wrong yards.

In one famous incident, former New York Central employees did not know the location of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; even though it was the state capital and an important PRR terminal the city was never served by the NYC.  

29862803572378264389709338.jpgFormer Pennsylvania U25C's, led by #6502 and #6501, at Richmond, Indiana in the early Penn Central era, circa 1969. This corridor was the former PRR's "Panhandle Route" main line to St. Louis. Fred Byerly photo. American-Rails.com collection.

So, the car in question was sent to nearby Pittsburgh.  A similar incident devastated the Bangor & Aroostook, a small railroad serving northern Maine.

For the BAR, potatoes had long been a primary source of freight; its entire business was lost forever when Penn Central's horrid service lost an entire season's crop at Selkirk Yard in 1969.  

20969287270037992u1i970938-0.jpgA pair of former Penn Central E7A's (ex-PRR) are seen here at South Amboy, New Jersey during the early Conrail era in July of 1978. American-Rails.com collection.

The fallout resulted in many farms shutting down and those which remained discontinued rail service.  The railroad, itself, was nearly forced into bankruptcy.  Things only got worse as incoming "Red Hats" (PRR) and "Green Hats" (NYC) struggled to find common ground.  

David Bevan, who came in from the Pennsy, headed Penn Central's financial department.  Despite his arrogance, Bevan proved a viable asset.  As the situation fell apart his many connections throughout financial and business sectors enabled a continual flow of cash and new loans as Penn Central burned through torrents of cash each day.

At A Glance

In David P. Morgan's article, "NYC + PRR, What Does It Mean?," mentioned above the legendary author and writer painted a foreboding picture of the merger ten years before it was finalized.  

He noted the heavy debt of both railroads, their weak earning power, and excess capacity; all three of these issues were only exemplified through the 1960s.  The numbers Morgan cites below does not include earnings from the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie, an NYC subsidiary.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (6 Penn Center Plaza)
Route Miles
Track Miles
Freight Cars
Passenger Cars
$5.659 billion

His efforts were aided by the PRR's many years of success and vaunted status on Wall Street, which had achieved it an impeccable credit rating.  Only those at the very top actually knew how bad the situation was.  

As the crisis worsened the railroad missed the lucrative profits of Norfolk & Western; unfortunately, as a condition of the merger PRR had been required to relinquish its ownership in the company.  

It seems that whatever could go wrong did.  In a further insult, which spoke of the government's feeling towards the industry, the ICC required Penn Central to take in the destitute New Haven.  

This regional served southern New England and was an important transportation artery for thousands of commuters traveling between New York and Boston each day.  Unfortunately, the New Haven had struggled for years and had been stuck in bankruptcy since 1961.  

A pair of tired Penn Central F7As are southbound with a freight at North Tonwanda, New York on August 8, 1973. At this date the railroad was just trying to remain in operation while awaiting some kind of assistance. Doug Kroll photo.

According to Tom Nelligan's article, "How PC + NH = PC," from the January, 1970 Trains, it added 1,502 additional route miles to PC's network.  The New Haven's issue was not only its bankruptcy, debt, and money-losing passenger services. 

As Nelligan points out the road's freight revenues were not even profitable.  It officially joined Penn Central on January 1, 1969.  

For Perlman's part he was constantly trying to improve an impossible situation.  Always outspoken, he drew the ire of former PRR brass who never particularly cared for him.  

Using Saunders as a pawn, those on the board eventually garnered enough votes to stage a coup d'etat and have Perlman ousted.  On August 29, 1969 the board voted Paul Gorman as the company's new president.  

Perlman was handed the lame-duck position of vice chairman.  After this stint he went on to head the struggling Western Pacific.  His abilities as a railroader again shown brightly as he turned around the moribund road before it was purchased by Union Pacific.


Unfortunately, Gorman had little more success than Perlman in righting the Penn Central's sinking ship.  Bevan tried his best in keeping creditors at bay while acquiring new sources of loans.  

In a last ditch effort, Bevan worked his accounting "magic" to prop up worsening numbers through paper profits and other shady practices, otherwise described as "cooking the books."  

For the year-end 1969, Penn Central's situation was very grim; the company's railroad arm had lost over $300 million since merger day and was still craving ravenous volumes of cash.  

Through the first quarter of 1970 it had lost another $100 million, or more than $1 million a day.  The end finally came in June, 1970.  

Bevan reported to Saunders that he had exhausted all monetary means; if federal assistance could not be secured bankruptcy was the only option. The railroad nearly secured a $200 million from the defense department at the last minute.  However, this stop-gap measure was turned down at the last minute.  

Late in the day on June 21, 1970, Penn Central's board voted to seek voluntary relief from creditors under Section 77 of the federal Bankruptcy Act.  The reaction from Wall Street and those in business sectors was shock, no one believed the mighty Pennsylvania Railroad would ever collapse.  

It was the largest bankruptcy of its time.  In another sign of the times the general public paid scant attention to this enormous and historic business failure.  Most were too caught up in the ongoing Vietnam War while those who did notice questioned only if the passenger trains would still run (they did).  

The result of Penn Central's fall caused a ripple effect throughout the entire Northeast as other railroads struggled to keep their freight moving. Penn Central's fate was left to bankruptcy judge John Fullam while Jervis Langdon, Jr., an experienced railroader with a career in the industry, became the chief trustee.  

Interestingly, Bevan escaped prosecution for his accounting actions, Saunders quietly retired to Virginia, and Paul Gorman hastily left the company finding work elsewhere.  After more than three years in receivership, trustees concluded Penn Central problems were too complex for a traditional reorganization.  

Diesel Roster

Both the Pennsylvania and New York Central purchased diesels from all of the major builders and many of these interesting models were rolled into Penn Central, which began service on February 1, 1968.

Into the PC era one could find everything from aging RS3s to and FAs to second-generation SD40s and SD45s.  While the railroad was an abysmal failure it nevertheless was fascinating from an operational standpoint with first-generation road power still in service well into the 1970s.

The information presented here highlights Penn Central's diesel roster, as well as its remaining fleet of electrics.  Since the PRR was the acquiring railroad, PC's fleet was classed per its specifications.


Original Road Number(s) Second Road Number(s) PC Class Builder/Model Heritage
7800-7885 (1st) 8350-8380 BS-6 BLW DS-4-4-660 Ex-PRR 9000/9100/9200 series
7886-7893 (1st) 8381-8386 BS-7 BLW DS-4-4-750 Ex-PRR 5500/5600 series
7894-7899 (1st) - BS-8 BLH S-8 Ex-PRR 5994-5999
7900-7913 (1st) 8387, 8388 BS-7 BLW DS-4-4-750 Ex-PRR 5500/5600 series
7914-8046 (1st) 8263-8297 BS-10m BLW DS-4-4-1000 Ex-PRR 5500/5900/9000/9100/9200 series
8047, 8048 (1st) - BS-10 BLW VO1000 Ex-NYC 9300, 9301
8092-8112 (1st) 8308-8316 BS-12m BLH S-12 Ex-NYC 9308-9328
8113-8199 (1st) 8317-8344 BS-12m BLH S-12 Ex-PRR 8100/8700/8900 series
8206-8210 - FS-10 FM H10-44 Ex-NYC 9106-9110
8211-8262 - FS-10 FM H10-44 Ex-PRR 5900/9000/9100/9200 series
8300-8326 (1st) - FS-12 FM H12-44 Ex-NYC 9100 series
8327-8342 (1st) - FS-12 FM H12-44 Ex-PRR 8700 series
8400-8500 - ES-6m EMD SW1 Ex-NYC 500/600/700 series (some units sub-lettered for Chicago River & Indiana)
8501-8599 - ES-6m EMD SW1 Ex-PRR 5900/9100/9200/9400 series
8600-8627 - EMD SW8 Ex-NYC 9600-9627
8605 (2nd) - ES-8 EMD SW8 Ex-Merchants Despatch Transportation Company 15
8628-8646 - ES-9 EMD SW900 Ex-NYC 9628-9646; (some units sub-lettered for Cleveland Union Terminal)
8647-8678 - ES-10m EMD NW2 Ex-PRR 5900/9100/9200 series
8683-8699 - ES-10m EMD NW2 Ex-NYC 9500-9516; (built as New York, Ontario & Western 114, 116-131(
8700-8704, 8750-8773 - ES-10m EMD NW2 Ex-NYC 8700-8704, 8750-8773
8795-8802 - ES-10m EMD NW2 Ex-Indiana Harbor Belt 8795-8802
8803-8810 - ES-10m EMD NW2 Ex-NYC 8803-8810
8836-8841 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-NYC 8836-8841; (some units sub-lettered for Chicago River & Indiana)
8842-8850 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-Indiana Harbor Belt 8842-8850
8851-8855 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-NYC 8851-8855
8872-8874 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-Indiana Harbor Belt 8872-8874
8880-8903 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-NYC 8880-8903
8904-8906, 8908-8910 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-NYC (Peoria & Eastern) 8904-8906, 8908-8910
8907 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-Indiana Harbor Belt 8715
8911-9001 - ES-12m EMD SW9 Ex-NYC 8911-9001
9009-9034 - ES-12m EMD SW1200 Ex-PRR 7909-7934
9035-9041 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-PRR 9300 series
9042-9044 - ES-12m EMD SW9 Ex-PRR 8542-8544
9045-9049 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-PRR 9300 series
9050-9058 - ES-12m EMD SW1200 Ex-PRR 7900-7908
9059, 9060 - ES-12m EMD SW9 Ex-PRR 8859, 8860
9061-9094 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-PRR 9300 series
9075 (2nd) - ES-12m EMD NW2u Ex-PC 8754
9095, 9096 - ES-12m EMD SW9 Ex-PRR 8869, 8870
9097, 9098 - ES-12m EMD SW7 Ex-PRR 8871, 8872
9099-9111 - ES-12m EMD NW2u Ex-PC 8600 series
9113-9133 - ES-12m EMD SW9 Ex-PRR 8513-8533
9133 (2nd) 9153 ES-12m EMD NW2u Ex-PC 8704
9150-9152, 9154-9179 - ES-12m EMD NW2u Ex-PC 8600/9000 series
9180-9199 - ES-12m EMD SW1200 Ex-NH 640-659
(9216-9221) - - EMD SW1500 Built as Penn Central #9216-9221 but transferred to Indiana Harbor Belt.
9223-9227 - ES15m EMD SW1500 Ex-IHB 9223-9227
9300-9347 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-NYC 800 series
9348-9380 - AS6m Alco S3 Ex-NYC 800/900 series
9382-9394 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-NYC 800 series
9395-9402 - AS6m Alco S3 Ex-NYC 800/900 series
9405, 9406, 9408 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-NYC 951, 952, 954
9411 - - Alco HH660 Ex-New Haven 0924
9412-9436, 9447-9449, 9457-9459 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-NH 0935-0977
9437-9446 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-PRR 9200 series
9451, 9452, 9454-9456 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-PRR 9101, 9102, 5954-5956
9461-9470 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-PRR 5600 series
9473-9485 - AS6m Alco S3 Ex-PRR 8700/8800 series
9486-9499 - AS6m Alco S1 Ex-NH 0778-0995
9500-9583 - ES15m EMD SW1500 Purchased new.
9600-9661 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-NYC 8500 series; 8505 (2nd) was ex-Delaware & Hudson 3024
9663-9703 - AS10m Alco S4 Ex-NYC 8500/8600 series
9704, 9705 - Alco S2 Ex-NYC 851, 869 (2nd); ex-Delaware & Hudson 3031 and 3032
9706-9727 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-NYC 8500 series
9729, 9730 - AS10m Alco S4 Ex-NYC 8598, 8623
9731, 9732 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-NYC 8541, 8548
9733-9765 - AS10m Alco S4 Ex-NYC 8600 series
9768-9777 - AS10m Alco S4 Ex-PRR 8400 series
9778-9787 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-PRR 5600/9200 series
9788-9801, 9803 - AS10m Alco S4 Ex-PRR 8800/8900 series
9802, 9804-9814 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-PRR 5600/9100/9200 series
9815, 9817 - AS10m Alco S4 Ex-PRR 8487, 8887
9816, 9818-9821 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-PRR 5600/5900 series
9822, 9823, 9830-9834 - AS10m Alco S4 Ex-PRR 8400 series
9824-9828, 9836-9842 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-PRR 5600/5900 series
9844-9849 - AS10a Alco T6 Ex-PRR 8424-8429
9850-9860 - AS10m Alco S2 Ex-NH 0600-0621
9999 - GS4 GE 44 Ton Ex-PRR 9353

Freight Cab Units

Second Road Number Original Road Number PC Class Builder/Model Heritage
1300, 1319 1009, 1119 AF-16 Alco FA-1 Ex-NYC #1009, #1119 (2nd)
1302-1313 1102-1113 AF-16 Alco FA-2 Ex-NYC #1102-1113
1330-1333 - AF-16 Alco FA-1 Ex-New Haven #0401, #0418, #0426, #0428
1345-1399 1045-1099 AF-16 Alco FA-2 Ex-NYC #1045-1099
1400-1425 - EF-15 EMD F3A Ex-PRR #9524A-9689A
1440-1538 - EF-15 EMD F7A Ex-PRR #9640A-9879A
1617-1635 - EF-15 EMD F3A Ex-NYC #1617-1635
1636-1873 - EF-15a EMD F7A Ex-NYC #1636-1873
1878, 1879 721, 754 EF-15a EMD F7A Ex-Rio Grande #5721, #5754
1900-1906 - EF-15a EMD F7A Ex-PRR #9656A-9661A, #9666A; 1905 only unit painted in Penn Central colors.
3323-3372 - AF-16 Alco FB-2 Ex-NYC
3368 (2nd) - AF-16 Alco FB-1 Ex-NYC #3368 (2nd)
3390-3392 - AF-16 Alco FB-1 Ex-New Haven #0456, #0458, #0462
3393-3397 - AF-16 Alco FB-2 Ex-New Haven #0465-0469
3423-3442 - EF-15a EMD F7B Ex-NYC #2423-2442
3443-3474 - EF-15 EMD F3B Ex-NYC #2443-2474
3478, 3479 712, 733 EF-15a EMD F7B Ex-Rio Grande #5712, #5733
3500-3507 - EF-15 EMD F3B Ex-PRR #9524B-9554B
3508-3563 - EF-15a EMD F7B Ex-PRR #9547B-9878B

First Generation Four-Axle Road Units

Original Road Number(s) Second Road Number(s) PC Class Builder/Model Heritage
3800-3829 - EF17 EMD GP9B Ex-PRR 7175B-7204B
3830-3839 - EF17 EMD GP9B Ex-PRR 7230B-7239B
5100-5112 - FRS-7a FM H16-44 Ex-NYC 7000-7012
5150-5159 - FRS-7a FM H16-44 Ex-PRR 8807-8816
5160-5174 - FRS-7a FM H16-44 Ex-NH 1600-1614
5207, 5210, 5212, 5215, 5221, 5229 - ARS-16 Alco RS2 Ex-NYC 8207, 8210, 8212, 8215, 8221, 8229
5203, 5205, 5223-5352 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-NYC 8203, 8205, 8223-8352
5400, 5401 (1st) - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8600, 8601
5401 (2nd) - ARS-16 Alco RS2 Ex-Lehigh Valley 212 (1st)
5402-5405, 5409, 5411 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8602-8605, 8909, 8592
5413-5416 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8903, 8904, 8435, 8436
5418-5436 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8818-8836
5437-5442 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8437-8442
5443-5451 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8593-8599, 8590, 8591
5452-5470 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8452-8470
5461 (2nd) - ARS-16 Alco RS2 Ex-Lehigh Valley 210 (1st)
5471-5484 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-New Haven 500 series
5500-5530 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-NYC 8247-8291
5531-5536, 5544 (2nd) - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-New Haven 500 series
5537-5555 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8800 series
5554, 5559, 5561, 5564, 5566, 5570 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-New Haven 500 series
5557-5565 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8900 series
5567-5584 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-PRR 8400 series
5585-5598 - ARS-16 Alco RS3 Ex-New Haven 500 series
5600-5625 - ERS15 EMD GP7 Ex-NYC #5600-5625; 5612-5625 sublettered for Peoria & Eastern
5626-5712 - ERS15 EMD GP7 Ex-NYC 5626-5712
5719 - ERS15 EMD GP7 Ex-Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 5719
5738-5812 - ES15 EMD GP7 Ex-NYC 5738-5812
5818-5827 - ERS15 EMD GP7 Ex-NYC 5818-5827, (built as Chesapeake & Ohio #5720-5729)
5840-5844 - ERS15 EMD GP7 Ex-PRR 8840-8844
5845-5892 - ERS15 EMD GP7 Ex-PRR 8500-series
5895-5899 - ERS15 EMD GP7 Ex-PRR 8805, 8806, 8797-8799
5900-5927 - ERS15s EMD GP7 Ex-NYC 5700, 5800-series
5950-5959 - ERS15s EMD GP7 Ex-PRR 8500-series
6700-6708 (1st) 6799 (ex-6708) FS24m FM H24-66 Ex-PRR 8700-8707, 8699
6800-6805 - ARS16a Alco RSD5 Ex-PRR 8446-8451
6806-6810 - APS24ms Alco RSD7 Ex-PRR 8606-8610
6811-6816 - ARS24 Alco RSD15 Ex-PRR 8611-8616
6855-6879 - ARS18a Alco RSD12 Ex-PRR 8655-8679
6900-6924 - ERS17a EMD SD9 Ex-PRR 7600-7624
6950, 6951 (1st) 6998, 6999 ERS15ax EMD SD7 Ex-PRR 8588, 8589
6966-6974 - BRS16m BLH AS616 Ex-PRR 8966-8974
6975, 6976 - BRS16m BLH AS616 Ex-PRR 8111, 8112
7000-7269 - ERS17 EMD GP9 Ex-PRR 7000-7269
7300-7303 - ERS17 EMD GP9 Ex-NYC (Cleveland Union Terminal) 5900-5903
7304-7327, 7346-7475 - ERS17 EMD GP9 Ex-NYC 5904-6075
7348, 7369, 7380, 7420, 7452, 7519 - ERS17 EMD GP9 Ex-NYC 5900/6000 series
7500-7518 7329-7344, 7347 ERS17 EMD GP9 Ex-NYC 5900-series
7530-7559 7270-7298 ERS17 EMD GP9 Ex-NH 1200-1229
7600-7608 - ARS18 Alco RS11 Ex-NYC 8000-8008
7617-7654 - ARS18 Alco RS11 Ex-PRR 8617-8654
7660-7674 - ARS18 Alco RS11 Ex-NH 1400-1414
8050-8053 8300-8302 BRS10sx BLW DRS-4-4-1000 Ex-PRR 9276, 5591-5593
8062, 8063 8398, 8399 LERS12as Lima-Hamilton 1,200 Horsepower Road-Switcher Ex-NYC 6210, 6211 (EMD-repowered)
8067-8083 - BRS12m BLW RS12 Ex-NYC 6220-6236
8084-8091 8303-8306 BRS12m BLW RS12 Ex-PRR 8975, 8110, 8776, 8107-09, 05, 06
9900-9913 - ARS10/a/sx Alco RS1 Ex-NYC 8100-8113
9914-9940 - ARS10/a/sx Alco RS1 Ex-PRR 5600 / 5900 / 8400 / 8800 series
9941-9946 - ARS10/a/sx Alco RS1 Ex-NH 0662-0665, 0667, 0671
9948, 9949 9949A, 9949B - AEH-12/Slug Ex-PC 6803 (2nd), 6811
9950-9984 - AERS12 Alco RS3m (EMD-repowered) Ex-PC 5200 / 5300 / 5400 / 5500-series

Contemporary Four-Axle Road Units

Road Number(s) PC Class Builder/Model Heritage
2010-2014 ERS20 EMD GP38 Ex-PRSL 2010-2014
2021-2044 AF20 Alco RS32 Ex-NYC 8021-8044
2050-2059 AF30 Alco C430 Ex-NYC 2050-2059
2100-2112 EF20 EMD GP20 Ex-NYC 6100-6105, 6107, 6108, 6110-6114
2188-2197 EF22 EMD GP30 Ex-NYC 6115-6124
2198-2249 EF22 EMD GP30 Ex-PRR 2250, 2251, 2200-2249
2250-2308 EF25 EMD GP35 Ex-PRR 2309, 2310, 2252-2308
2309-2351 EF25 EMD GP35 Ex-PRR 2369, 2370, 2311-2351
2353-2368 EF25 EMD GP35 Ex-PRR 2353-2368
2369-2398 EF25 EMD GP35 Ex-NYC 6125-6154
2399 EF25 EMD GP35 Ex-NYC 6155, exx-demonstrator 1964, nee-demonstrator 5661
2400-2414 AF24 Alco RS27 Ex-PRR 2400-2414
2415 AF24 Alco C424 Ex-PRR 2415
2416-2446 AF25 Alco C425 Ex-PRR 2416-2446
2450-2459 AF25 Alco C425 Ex-New Haven 2550-2559
2500-2569 GF25 GE U25B Ex-NYC 2500-2569
2600-2658 GF25 GE U25B Ex-PRR 2500-2548, 2649-2658
2660-2685 GF25 GE U25B Ex-New Haven 2500-2525
2700-2776 GF22 GE U23B Purchased new.
2822, 2823 GF28 GE U28B Ex-NYC 2822, 2823
2830-2857 GF30 GE U30B Ex-NYC 2830-2857
2858, 2859 GF33 GE U33B Ex-NYC 2858, 2859
2860-2889 GF30 GE U30B Ex-NYC 2860-2889
2890-2970 GF33 GE U33B Purchased new.
3000-3104 EF30 EMD GP40 Ex-NYC 3000-3104
3105-3259 EF30 EMD GP40 Purchased new.
3260-3274 EF30 EMD GP40 Ex-demonstrators 11-20 and 22-26
7675-7939 (2nd) EF20 EMD GP38 Purchased new.
7940-8162 EF20 EMD GP38 Purchased new.

Contemporary Six-Axle Road Units

Road Number(s) PC Class Builder/Model Heritage
6000-6039 EF25a EMD SD35 Ex-PRR 6000-6039
6040-6104 EF30a EMD SD40 Ex-PRR 6040-6104
6105-6234 EF36 EMD SD45 Ex-PRR 6105-6234
6235-6239 EF36 EMD SD45 Purchased new.
6240-6284 EF30a EMD SD40 Purchased new.
6300-6314 AF27 Alco C628 Ex-PRR 6300-6314
6315-6329 AF30a Alco C630 Ex-PRR 6315-6329
6330-6344 AF36 Alco C636 Purchased new.
6500-6519 GF25a GE U25C Ex-PRR 6500-6519
6520-6534 GP28a GE U28C Ex-PRR 6520-6534
6535-6539 GF30a GE U30C Ex-PRR 6535-6539
6540-6559 GF33a GE U33C Purchased new.
6560-6563 GF33a GE U33C Purchased new.
6700-6718 (2nd) GRS22 GE U23C Purchased new.
6925-6959 ERS20a EMD SD38 Purchased new.

Passenger Cab Units

Road Number(s) PC Class Builder/Model Heritage
4000-4035 EP20 EMD E7A Ex-NYC 4000-4035 (4003 and 4020 rebuilt as E8Am)
4036-4095 EP22 EMD E8A Ex-NYC 4036-4095
4100-4113 EP20 EMD E7B Ex-NYC 4100-4113
4114-4127 EP20 EMD E7B Ex-PRR 5900B, 5840B-5864B (Evens)
4150-4163 EP20 EMD F7B Ex-PRR 9832B-9858B (Evens)
4200-4245 EP20 EMD E7A Ex-PRR 5900, 5901, 5840A-5883A
4246-4319 EP22 EMD E8A Ex-PRR 5700/5800 Series
4320-4328 EP22 EMD E8A Ex-PC/NYC 4000 Series
4332-4371 EFP15 EMD FP7 Ex-PRR 9832A-9871A
5000-5059 EP17e/EP18e EMD FL9 Ex-New Haven 2000-2059


Road Number(s) PC Class Builder/Model Heritage
4400-4457 E44 GE E44 Ex-PRR 4400-4457
4458-4465 E44a GE E44a Ex-PRR 4458-4465
4600-4610 E33 GE E33 Ex-NH 300-310, nee-Virginian Railway
4622 Alco/GE P-2a Ex-NYC 222
4623-4642 P-2b Alco/GE P-2b Ex-NYC 223-242
4655 T-1a Alco/GE T-1a Ex-NYC 255
4662 T-2a Alco/GE T-2a Ex-NYC 262
4663, 4666, 4667, 4669, 4671 T-2b GE T-2b Ex-NYC 263, 266, 267, 269, 271
4673-4676, 4678-4680 T-3a Alco/GE T-3a Ex-NYC 273-276, 278-280
4702-4733 S-2 Alco/GE S-2 Ex-NYC 102-133
4751-4757 B-1 PRR/Allis-Chalmers B-1 Ex-PRR 3912, 3913, 5685-5693
4780, 4781 DD-1 PRR/Westinghouse DD-1 Ex-PRR 3936, 3937
4790 L-6 PRR/GE L-6 Ex-PRR 5939
4791 L-6a Lima L-6a Ex-PRR 5940
4800 GG-1 BLW/GE GG-1 Ex-PRR 4800 (original GG-1, "Ole Rivets")
4801-4814 GG-1 GE GG-1 Ex-PRR 4801-4814
4815, 4816 GG-1 BLW/PRR/Westinghouse GG-1 Ex-PRR 4815, 4816
4818-4938 GG-1 GE/Westinghouse GG-1 Ex-PRR 4818-4938
4970-4977 E40 GE E40 Ex-NH 371-377, 379

Penn Central RS-3's (#5349, #5441, and #5340) head south on the Belt Line behind Central Terminal in Buffalo, New York on August 12, 1973. Doug Kroll photo.


In the end, the railroad's failure eventually improved the industry for the better; Amtrak launched on May 1, 1971, largely relieving railroads of their money losing passenger operations, while the creation of Conrail on April 1, 1976 pieced together the bankrupt shells of several Northeastern lines, including Penn Central.  

It took several years but Conrail earned its first profit in 1981, netting $39 million that year.  There were several factors which led to this turnaround but one of the most important was the Staggers Rail Act of 1980.  

Perhaps Morgan best summed it best up best, all the while articulating the industry's problems:  "The point is why in a thriving U.S. economy the biggest railroads in the nation find it necessary to make public such a drastic panacea.  

The answer, all but obscured by inept railroad explanation and a nervous competition, is that railroading has been manacled by archaic regulation drawn up in an era when the objective was to see to it that certain roads did not harm the economy while they were clouting one another over the head in the excesses of a vanished day of laissez-faire.  

Thus railroading has been unable to stop the advance of water, road and air competition that has always been backed to the hilt by public money and frequently merchandised by Government.  That is the point."  

Incredibly, this was said in 1958, a decade before Penn Central's creation and more than two decades before deregulation. 

Timetables (July, 1968)

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